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Events Calendar

Prescott City Council Study Session. Presentation & Discussion Regarding the Draft Long-Term Water Management Plan
Tuesday, December 10, 2024, 01:00pm
Hits : 75

Tuesday, December 10, 2024
NEW! 1:00 p.m. - Prescott City Council Study SessionPresentation & Discussion Regarding the Draft Long-Term Water Management Plan. Staff will provide a draft outline that combines both the outline as submitted with the successful Bureau of Reclamation grant application and additions from the Council's Strategic Plan. Staff recommends a discussion with the Council to refine the scope of work. The meeting memo notes: Truly involving the public/stakeholders in identifying, prioritizing, and assessing the value of resources will require a strategically planned process for reaching interested members of the public, educating them on the issues, and providing a meaningful way for them to express their opinions and influence decision-making, enabling them to be effective participants in the decisions being made. See the agenda packet for the full council memo and attachments.  The agenda packet with options for remote viewing is HERE:  LOCATION: 201 N Montezuma Street, City Council Chambers, 3rd Floor.