CWAG Calendar

Events Calendar

Prescott City Council Voting Session
Tuesday, December 10, 2024, 03:00pm
Hits : 57

Tuesday, December 10, 2024
NEW! 3:00 p.m. - Prescott City Council Voting Session. Agenda item 11.C. is Presentation, Discussion & Possible Action Regarding a Letter of Support Related to Aspects of Water Service Provision to The Mountain Club, an Unincorporated Community that is Serviced by the City Pursuant to a Water Service Agreement. The water infrastructure in The Mountain Club is old and leaking substantial quantities of water. The City is urging formation of a Domestic Water Improvement District for The Mountain Club because it will provide access to funding that The Mountain Club needs to repair and maintain its water delivery system and minimize water loss to comply with the City’s policies on conservation and Arizona’s system integrity requirements. The agenda packet with options for remote viewing is HERELOCATION: 201 N Montezuma Street, City Council Chambers, 3rd Floor.