CWAG Calendar
Events Calendar
Education Session: Groundwater Management in the Verde Watershed
Monday, January 06, 2025, 01:00pm - 02:00pm
Hits : 54
Monday, January 6, 2025
NEW! 1:00 p.m. - 2:00 p.m. Education Session: Groundwater Management in the Verde Watershed. Webinar only! Learn about groundwater policy in the Verde Watershed: What applies in and outside of the Prescott AMA?
Active Management Areas
Speaker: Natalie Mast (Arizona Department of Water Resources)
What are AMAs and INAs, and how are they established? What rules and programs apply to the Prescott AMA? How do AMAs impact water management?
Management Outside of AMAs
Speaker: Sarah Porter (Kyl Center for Water Policy, ASU)
What are the options for managing groundwater outside of AMAs and INAs? What tools are available to understand groundwater data? LOCATION: Webinar Only. Register HERE: